
Silent Reading - Rocket Reading

3 Reasons WHY we Silent Read?

1   To help you read faster
Reading out loud slows down your reading speed. If you usually read out loud you will start reading out the words in your head even when you are reading silently. It is okay to read out loud sometimes - like when reading to me (your teacher), a parent, a grandparent, a caregiver, a brother or sister, someone else, or even your teddy bear!

  To improve your understanding
Because half your brain is concentrating on pronunciation when you read out loud, your comprehension (understanding) is much lower than when you read silently. The same is true when listening to other people reading out loud.

3   To allow you to re-read
If you are reading out loud, once you have read a word or sentence with the right pronunciation it is normal to move onto the next part. If it was an important and difficult to understand part, though, it can be worthwhile to read it once or twice more. This is much easier and quicker when you are reading silently.