Elementary, my dear, two time two is four.
Elementary, my dear, two time three is six.
Elementary, my dear, two time four is eight.
Elementary, my dear, two time five is ten.
Two times one is two, of course
And it must occur to you,
You get an even number
Every time you multiply by two.
Elementary, my dear, two time six is twelve.
Elementary, my dear, two time seven is fourteen.
Elementary, my dear, two times eight is sixteen.
Elementary, my dear, two times nine is eighteen.
Two times ten is twenty, eleven twice is twenty-two.
Double twelve that's twenty-four, thirteen twice is twenty-six,
Fourteen twice is twenty-eight, fifteen twice is thirty, now you build it up on thirty,
Sixteen twice is thirty-two, elementary.
Seventeen twice is thirty-four, elementary.
Eighteen twice is thirty-six, elementary.
Nineteen twice is thirty-eight, elementary.
Twenty twice is forty, and it must occur to you,
You can double any number,
All you do is multiply by two...
Elementary, my dear, two time two is four. (Woo!)
Elementary, my dear, two time three is six. (Yeah!)
Elementary, my dear, two time four is eight. (Woop!)
Elementary, my dear, two time five is ten. (Yeah!)